Cards (15)

  • Women in Development gained momentum
  • Women in Development

    It postulated that women's disadvantages in society can be eliminated by breaking down stereotyped customary expectation of women by offering better education to women and introducing equal opportunity programs
  • First World Conference on Women in Mexico City organized by the United Nations
  • Women in Development
    • It stresses the relationship between women and the work that they perform in their societies as economic agents in both the public and domestic spheres
    • It emphasizes the distinctive nature of roles women play in the maintenance and development of their societies, with the understanding that purely the integration of women into development efforts would serve to reinforce the existing structures of inequality present in societies overrun by patriarchal interest
  • Women in Development (WAD)

    • It offers more critical conceptualization of women's position
    • It emphasizes the distinctive nature of women's knowledge, work, goals and responsibilities, as well as advocating for the recognition of their distinctiveness
  • Gender and Development (GAD)

    • It is NOT concerned specifically with women, but with the way in which society assigns roles, responsibilities and expectations to both women and men
    • It applies gender analysis to uncover the ways in which men and women work together, presenting results in neutral terms of economics and efficiency
    • It aims to redefine traditional gender role expectations
  • Both men and women are victims of gender inequality, although victims are more often women than men
  • Both men and women have a share in the struggle for gender inequality
  • GAD is not a war of the sexes
  • GAD is not anti-male
  • Philippine Commission on Women
    • A government agency run by the government of the Philippines with intention of promoting and protecting the rights of the Women in the Philippines
    • Established on January 7, 1975 through Presidential Decree No.633
    • Initially established as an advisory body to the President and the Cabinet on policies and programs for the advancement of women
    • Mandated to review, evaluate and recommend measures, including priorities to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social and cultural development at national and international levels, and to ensure further equality between men and women
  • Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act 9710) signed into law providing better protection for women

    August 14, 2009
  • Development
    • Improving the well being (welfare) of all people and the process by which this improvement is achieved
    • Includes an element of equality - benefits from the development process should be fairly distributed, especially to benefit those most in need, the disadvantaged and the most vulnerable
  • Gender awareness
    • The ability to recognized gender issues, and especially the ability to recognize women's different perceptions and interest arising from their different social location and different general roles
    • Develop gender awareness, knowledge and skills as well as to change perceptions, attitudes and behaviors in relation to gender
    • An education initiative to introduce the perspective of the relations between gender in decision making process
    • To utilize all decision making processes for gender equality
  • Equality of opportunity
    • Everybody has an equal chance, especially for equal access, there is no structural discrimination standing in the way of any individual or social group
    • Equality of opportunity for women would mean ending of all gender discrimination