Displacement Reactions

Cards (12)

  • A less reactive element is replaced by a more reative one
  • Some reactions happens fast example Potassiam + Water
  • Some reactions happen slowly example Iron + Oxygen
  • When magnesium reacts with hydrogen it forms magnisam hydroxide, releasing hydrogen
  • Phenolphthalein is an indicator which turns colourless in neutral solution
  • Phenolphthalein turns pink in weak alkaline solutions
  • Phenolphthalein turns orange in stronge Alkaline solutions
  • Potassiam is most reactive element in the reactivities series
  • When metal reacts with acid they displace hydrogen from the acid and form a salt solution.
  • Metal + Acid = Metal Salt + Hydrogen
  • The reactivity of metals decreases down group 1 as their atomic radius increases, making it harder to remove electrons from outer shell
  • Group 2 are less reactive than Group 1 because they have full outer shell so no need to gain electron