Pilgrimage and celebration

Cards (17)

  • 'Easter is the most important celebration'
  • 1 Corinthians 15:17: '"If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins"'
  • All of Christianity hinges on the resurrection, which is celebrated at Easter
  • Easter is essential for salvation
  • Without the crucifixion, there is no atonement
  • Without the resurrection, there is no eternal life
  • Easter is important because of what is being celebrated and what this means for Christians today (salvation and eternal life)
  • Easter gives Christians 'evidence' about Jesus - it is essential for demonstrating his identity as Son of God
  • Easter celebrates Jesus' victory over sin and death (more significant than his birth?)
  • Easter has not become as commercialised as Christmas - focus remains on Jesus / God
  • "Christmas reveals the immense love of God for humanity" (Pope Francis)
  • Easter is about your own salvation whereas Christmas is about giving to others
  • Christmas is more important because the incarnation is more significant - if Jesus had not been born, God would not have entered the world
  • Without Christmas, Easter would not have happened (and so everything achieved at Easter depends on Christmas) - it is most important
  • The Nativity (which is celebrated at Christmas) is central to Christian faith - the Word becomes flesh!
  • Christmas brings more people together and involves more people - it is more important to people today
  • Christmas is more about giving to others, coming together and thinking of the less fortunate, which is putting faith into action (rather than thinking about your own salvation) - what Christianity is all about