
Cards (7)

  • Liturgical worship

    When Christians worship according to a set pattern on a regular basis, for example on a Sunday. There will be set prayers and readings, led by the priest or minister, often using the Book of Common Prayer. The Lectionary contains the list of readings for each day.
  • Liturgical worship

    • Catholics
    • Anglicans
  • Non-liturgical worship

    Less formal than liturgical worship, as it does not follow a set pattern and can involve more unscripted or improvised forms of worship.
  • Non-liturgical worship

    • Methodism
    • Pentecostalism
  • Informal worship

    Some Christians prefer spontaneity in their style of worship, having no fixed nature. Charismatic worship is an informal worship often held by Pentecostal churches. It may involve clapping, dancing and music. It may involve speaking in tongues.
  • Private worship
    Spending time alone considering one's faith or connecting to God. It can involve reading the Bible, praying, meditating on God.
  • No set pattern of worship
    Quaker Christians follow no set pattern of worship or services. Instead, they attend 'meetings' where followers sit in silence. There is no minister / worship leaderanybody can decide to speak or read.