
Cards (3)

  • Macbeth's vaulting ambition

    > First depicted as rabe and honourable soldier
    "Valour's minion" "Brave Macbeth"
    > consumed with idea of power and willing to do whatever to seize throne
    " Stars hide tour fire, let not light see my black and deep desires"
    > Unchecked ambition leads him to commit regicide and murder
    " Is this a sword I see before me"
  • Lady Macbeth's ambition

    > Driving force behind Macbeth's initial actions
    " Pour my spirit in thine ear"
    > Ambition is fuelled by her desire for power and status
    " Unsex me"
    > Leads to her downfall as she is consumed by guilt and madness
    "Out, damed spot! Out, I say!"
  • Ambition as a tragic flaw 

    > Cautionary tale and dangers of unchecked ambition
    . Great chain of being disrupted- callous leader, Scotland descends into madness
    > Ambition blinds them to their consequences and causes them to lose sight of their humanity
    " She should have died hereafter"