Appearance vs reality

Cards (4)

  • I have no spur/ To prick the sides of my intent
    • Metaphor of horse racing mimicking the way people treat their life as a race or competition
    • Macbeth sees himself both the jockey and the horse0 Macbeth wants to control his ambition but it feels ambition will end up controlling him
    • As he's reduced from the jokey to the horse he becomes more animalistic
  • Initial impressions versus true nature 

    > Perceived as "valiant" and Honourable warrior, praised by the king
    "Valour's minion" "Smoking with bloody execution"
    > true ambitious and ruthless nature is revealed as he murders Duncan and others to fulfull desires
    "Is this a dagger I see before me" / "Step I must o'erleap"
  • Contrast between fair and foul
    " Fair is foul, and foul is fair"
    > Introduced in witches chant
    > Suggests things are not always what they seem
    > Theme permeates the entire play, emphasis appearance can be deceiving
  • Disguise of ambition
    > Catalyst behind many characters' actions leading then to manipulate appearance to achieve their goals
    "Come, you spirits that tend on mortal souls, unsex me"
    "Have plucked my nipple from this boneless gums and dashed the brains out had I so sworn"
    > True ambition is masked by their outward appearances until it ultimately consumes them