
Cards (15)

  • Monogamous
    'One flesh' (Genesis)
  • Lifelong
    'Until death do us part' (Vows)
  • Purpose of marriage
    • To become one flesh and have a lifelong, monogamous relationship (they become one flesh' - Genesis)
    • To have a committed and loving sexual relationship (it is better to marry than to burn with passion' - St Paul)
    • To procreate and start a family ('be fruitful and multiply' - Genesis)
    • To fulfil the sacraments (marriage is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It is a sacred covenant involving God. 'God himself is the author of marriage' - Catechism)
  • St Paul: ''it is better to marry than to burn with passion''
  • Islamic beliefs
    LIFELONG - Although divorce is permissible.
    To support one another in a lifelong, loving relationship ('They become like garments for one another' - Surah 2)
    To fulfil a religious responsibility ('Marry those among you who are single' - Surah 24)
    To procreate and start a family (Seen as a duty; reproduction is a gift from God).
    To provide stability to society ('The only way to protect all people is to maintain a society where only a man and his wife share the act of sex' - Abdul Wahid Hamid).
  • Genesis: ''they become one flesh''
  • Genesis: ''be fruitful and multiply''
  • Catechism: ''God himself is the author of marriage''
  • Cohabitation
    Living together without being married
  • Same-sex marriage
    Two people of the same gender being married
  • Conservative/Traditionalist Christians

    • May see cohabitation and same-sex marriage as wrong because it could lead to sex before marriage, which is seen as sinful - 'flee from sexual immorality' (St Paul)
  • Liberal Christians

    • May see no problem with cohabitation and same-sex marriage as 'it is the nature and quality of the relationship that matters' (Quakers). No obligation to be married in order to have loving, committed relationship
  • Situation Ethics

    'the morality of an action is dependent on the circumstances' (Fletcher)
  • Catholic and Church of England

    • Oppose cohabitation and same-sex marriage because marriage is a sacred covenant involving one man and one woman. Leads to same-sex acts, which are sinful
  • Quakers and Methodists

    • Allow same-sex marriage as it is about love, not your gender