
Cards (45)

  • 3 forms of worship
    non liturgical
  • liturgical worship
    formal in organisation and use set patterns for services
  • what do congregation do in liturgical worship?

    respond to someone leading the service by reading set words from a service sheet or book (e.g. amen)
  • denominations that use liturgical

    roman catholic church, orthodox, church of england
  • benefits of liturgical

    - familiarity
    - can reflect more deeply on meaning and significance
    - nothing will be said that is different from or not appropriate to what the congregation believes
  • liturgical church: white and gold
    special celebrations (easter, christmas)
  • liturgical church: red

    colour of blood
    on days when christians remember the suffering and death of Jesus
  • liturgical church: green

    ordinary time, no special event
    represents hope
  • 2 main types of service in liturgical worship
  • eucharistic service focus

    the eucharist, the celebration or remembrance of Jesus' suffering and death
  • story of the eucharist
    at the last meal with his disciples, Jesus broke a loaf of bread for them to eat and poured wine for them to drink. Jesus explained how his body would be broken and his blood shed, and commanded them to do the same with the bread and wine whenever they met together.
  • relating the story of the eucharist to the eucharist service

    the congregation receive bread and wine, representing Jesus' body and blood
  • events of eucharist service

    - receiving bread and wine
    - hymns
    - sermon
  • what do christians do at a eucharist service

    thanksgiving as they receive the bread and wine
  • the Service of the Word focus

    bible readings and sermon (no eucharist)
  • what book does the anglican service use
    book of common prayer
  • anglican: liturgy of the word

    - bible readings and sermon
    - nicene creed
    - prayers of intercession and confession
    - the peace (hold/shake hands to show they are one community)
  • nicene creed (anglican))

    christ is both human and god
  • prayers of intercession and confession (anglican)

    congregation join in the lord's prayer
    they might pray about their concerns about their lives and the wider world and ask for god's forgiveness for their sins
  • anglican worship: liturgy of the sacrament

    - preparing the table (bread + wine on table, sometimes a collection is taken)
    - eucharistic prayer (gives thanks to god)
    - breaking of the bread
    - receiving communion (bread = body of Jesus, wine = blood of Jesus)
  • book used by RCC
  • difference between RCC and CofE- eucharist

    RCC believe in transubstantiation: the transformation of the bread and wine into the blood and body of christ.
    at each eucharist service, Jesus' sacrifice is truly recreated at the altar
  • variation in words at eucharist service in Catholic church vs CofE
    catholic- 'This is the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world'
    CofE- Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world
  • Name for a quaker worship service
    'meeting for worship
  • structure of quaker worship

    - people sit in meeting room in silence
    - the silence allows worshippers to reflect, think and listen
    - silence allows them to come closer to god
  • a ministry
    when someone may choose to speak, pray or read aloud
  • greek orthodox name for eucharist
    divine liturgy
  • little entrance

    the book of gospels is carried into the sanctuary
  • great entrance
    the bread and wine are carried to the altar for the prayer of consecration and holy communion
  • first section of greek orthodox service

    liturgy of the word
    hymns, prayers and a reading from the bible set for that day
  • 2nd section of greek orthodox service

    liturgy of the faithful
    - historically only baptised believes were allowed to participate (hence faithful)
    - nicene creed is read by the whole congregation
    - hymns and the reciting of the lord's prayer
    - bread and wine
  • methodist worship

    - follows a liturgy
    - similar to Anglican
    - some= less structured
  • most recent methodist hymn book

    singing the faith
  • eucharist name in methodist worship

    the service of the table (in liturgy) or communion
  • how frequently do methodist churches celebrate communion
    once a month
  • non liturgical

    spontaneous and without a pre-organised structure
  • what might happen at a non liturgical service

    - congregation can pray in their own way
    - choose a hymn or reading
    - preach a sermon
    - led by a minister
  • which denominations are non liturgical

    baptist, united reformed, presbyterian, methodist
  • benefits of non liturgical

    - not stuck in a worship 'rut', repeating the same things without reflecting on the meaning
    - more adaptable to specific interests/needs
  • focus of non liturgical services

    reinforce the importance of the bible as the authoritative word of god