
Cards (22)

  • What is the target population?
    Group of individuals researcher interested in.
  • What is the sampling frame?
    Smaller group of people in target population from which sample is drawn from.
  • What is opportunity sampling?

    Sample of participants produced by selecting people who are most easily available at time of study.
  • Advantage of opportunity sampling?
    Easy as it takes less time
  • Disadvantage of opportunity sampling?
    Biased as sample drawn from small part of target population.
  • What is random sampling?

    Sample of participants produced by using random technique so every member of target population being tested has equal chance of being selected.
  • Advantage of random sampling?

    Unbiased as all members of target population have equal chance of selection.
  • What is snowball sampling?

    Relies on referrals from initial participants to generate additional participants.
  • Advantage of snowball sampling?

    Enables researcher to locate groups of people difficult to access e.g, drug addicts.
  • Disadvantage of snowball sampling?

    Sample not likely to be good cross-section from population as it's friends of friends.
  • What is self-selected sampling?

    Relies solely on volunteers to make up sample.
  • Advantages of self-selected sampling?

    Access to variety of participants- may make sample more representative & less biased.
  • Disadvantage of self-selected sampling?
    Sample biased as participants likely to be more highly motivated to be helpful &/or with extra time on hands (volunteer bias).
  • What is stratified sampling?

    Sample produced by identifying subgroups according to their frequency in target population. Participants then selected randomly from subgroups.
  • Advantage of stratified sampling?

    More representative as there's a proportional representation of subgroups.
  • Disadvantage of stratified sampling?

    Time-consuming to identify subgroups & then select people & contact them.
  • What is systematic sampling?

    Selecting every nth person ( n is a number). Can be a random sample if first person is selected using a random method, & then select every nth person after that.
  • Advantage of systematic sampling?

    Unbiased as participants selected using objective system.
  • Disadvantages of systematic sampling?

    Not truly unbiased/random unless you select a number using random method & start with this person & then select every nth person.
  • What is quota sampling?
    Similar to stratified except participants not selected from strata using random sampling technique.
  • What is bias?

    A systematic distortion
  • What is generalisation?

    Applying findings of particular study to target population