
Cards (9)

  • Abortion
    The deliberate ending of a pregnancy
  • UK Law - Abortion Act 1967

    • Abortion up to 23 weeks and 6 days
    • After 24 weeks in very limited circumstances (e.g. mother's life at risk)
    • Two doctors are required to agree
  • SITUATION ETHICS: 'Abortion may be the most loving thing to do in certain situations. Such as if the mother's life is at risk or if the child would be born with severe, disabilities. Fletcher: 'Love's decisions are made situationally'. Jesus modelled love.'
  • COMPASSION: 'May be most compassionate thing in certain situations. St Paul: 'clothe yourselves with compassion'.'
  • CHURCH OF ENGLAND: 'STRICTLY LIMITED CONDITIONS when it may be morally preferable to any alternative'
  • SANCTITY OF MOTHER'S LIFE: 'May be acceptable to protect the mother's life, if it is at risk as a result of continuation.'
  • Reasons to disagree with abortion
    Christian arguments
    Catechism teaches it must be respected and protected
    'absolutely' from this point - abortion is a moral evil.
    CATHOLIC CHURCH - ABORTION IS MURDER. It therefore goes against the 10 Commandments found in Exodus..
    SANCTITY OF ALL LIFE: 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you' (Jeremiah 1:5). God is sovereign.
    Islamic arguments
    SANCTITY OF ALL LIFE: "God gave you life"
    May be considered murder
    God will help to provide.
  • LESSER OF TWO EVILS: 'May be acceptable in certain circumstances, as the 'lesser of two evils' option'
  • PRIOR TO ENSOULMENT: 'May be acceptable prior to ensoulment, but different beliefs about when this is'