Good and evil

Cards (23)

  • Actions
    Judged by intentions
  • Jesus: 'Love one another as I have loved you'
  • Good intention
    Doing something for the right reasons and being genuine and sincere
  • Muslims believe that good intentions (niyyah) shall be taken into account on judgement day
  • Both Christians and Muslims believe in the importance of intentions - you should desire to help others and serve God
  • Good actions

    Rewarded by God in the afterlife and include helping and caring for others and treating people with kindness
  • Evil intentions
    Having the desire to deliberately cause suffering and harm to others
  • Evil intentions
    May lead people to perform evil actions, punishable by going to hell
  • Evil intentions go against God's Will and the 10 commandments
  • Theists' belief about intentions

    God is omniscient meaning he knows the intentions behind your action and takes them into account
  • Someone with bad intentions
    May not be forgiven in comparison to a person who had committed a crime with good intentions
  • St Paul: 'Suffering produces perseverance'
  • Quran: 'You are sure to be tested'
  • Quran: 'With hardship must come ease'
  • Christians recognise that suffering

    • Teaches people to be stronger
    • Helps Christians to develop empathy and compassion
    • Unites people together for a common aim to help
  • Catholics believe suffering

    • Is the result of the original sin as suffering entered the world when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge
    • We must pay the price by suffering
    • We are then born into the world with original sin into a suffering world
  • Muslims believe that suffering

    • Is Allah's plan
    • It is a test of faith and character
    • A reminder of sin and the revelation of Allah
    • Result of free will
  • Both Christians and Muslims believe that intentionally causing suffering to others is wrong and you shall be held accountable on judgement day
  • Both Christians and Muslims believe that good can come from suffering and it has value in our lives
  • Both Christians and Muslims believe that suffering can test, strengthen and help to become a better person
  • When could suffering be justified?

    • Self defence
    • Punishment- helps to bring retribution and deterrence
    • Ends justify the means
    • To prevent future suffering
    • Lesser of two evils
  • How do Christians and Muslims respond to suffering?
    • Praying and asking God for strength
    • Doing good to alleviate suffering
    • Compassion to the suffering
    • Trust in God's plan
    • Try to find a reason/learn the lesson of their suffering
  • On the flip side, suffering could make Christians and Muslims lose faith in an omnibenevolent God - why would a loving God subject them to so much suffering