
Cards (21)

  • Retribution
    Getting the criminal back for their crimes
  • Christians may support retribution
    As the bible says "an eye for an eye"
  • Jesus took a stand against retribution

    Emphasising forgiveness and mercy
  • There is a clear difference between retribution and revenge
  • Muslims believe punishment should
    Enable justice
  • The Quran says "a life for a life, eye for an eye"
  • Legal retaliation for crimes are permissible under Sharia law, e.g. use of capital punishment for murder
  • Deterrence
    Threat of punishment putting people off committing a crime
  • Christianity recognises the need to deter the person from doing it again and deter others as well

    With the intention to prevent greater harm
  • Most Christians would oppose the harshest methods of deterrence because of their beliefs in the sanctity of life and compassion
  • The Quran says to cut off the hand of thieves as a deterrent
  • Punishment is meant to

    Show a message to society and to reduce crimes, it's not about harm
  • Reformation
    Helping the criminal to see how and why their mindset/actions were wrong so they change for the better
  • Christians believe it is their job to teach and educate criminals about the error of their ways

    As nobody is perfect and everyone is with sin, with no judgement
  • Some criminals may not respond to change, raising the question of how many chances to give
  • Muslims believe they have a duty to educate and to show people the error of their ways and to make amends
  • God is all forgiving and all loving, so why not us?
  • The idea of retribution is not sufficient, the person who suffered must have justice, and some crimes like murder are unforgivable, there must be a cut-off point
  • Protection
    To keep criminals away from society so they cannot hurt others
  • Christians believe that protecting society is important as human life is sacred as God created it
  • Muslims believe the same, it could also be seen as justice