Reasons for crime

Cards (27)

  • Unjust law

    A law that a person believes they cannot follow because it is unfair
  • MLK
    • Christian who led a passive resistance against the unjust and racist US laws
    • Their religious faith inspires them to protest against unfair laws
  • Bible says "submit to authorities"

    We could interpret that to say no matter what the rule is we should follow it
  • Muslims
    • Believe laws in secular countries can be challenged e.g. Malcolm X campaigning for racial inequality
    • Change should be brought about peacefully
    • It is your God-given duty to stand up against oppression
    • Shariah law cannot be broken/protested because all of God's rules are just
  • Addiction and Mental Illness

    A condition which influences cognition, thinking and behavior, e.g. drugs/alcohol
  • Christians
    • Believe they should help people to get better
    • May not be fully in control of actions/turn to crime to pay for addiction
    • Should "clothe ourselves with compassion"
  • Muslims
    • Believe they should be compassionate and help
    • Support needs to be given to overcome crime
    • Islam forbids drugs, alcohol and gambling as haram, recognising the harm they bring
    • It could be seen as your fault when bad things happen if you decide to use them
  • Greed
    Wanting or desiring more of something
  • Christians
    • Believe greed is always wrong
    • "Be on your guard against greed" - Jesus
    • Must not let it lead them to commit crime
  • Muslims
    • Believe that greed is always wrong
    • Life is a test and greed is one of the tests
    • You must avoid greed
  • Christianity
    • Teaches that sin is a part of human nature due to original sin
    • Crimes are not only illegal but also disobey God's wishes
    • God has put laws as forms of authority in place
  • Muslims
    • Believe that there shall always be justice and that crime is a distraction from Allah
    • The idea of ummah implies there is a duty to help those who commit crime and those affected by crime
    • All humans are equal to Allah and use Mohammad as a role model
    • Mohammad taught the importance of living a good life
  • St Paul: 'All have sinned and fall short of the glory of god'
  • St Paul: 'Clothe yourselves with compassion'
  • Hadith: 'All people are as equal as the teeth on a comb'
  • Quran: 'Those saved from greed are successful'
  • Crime
    An action that breaks the law whether that be against the person, property or state
  • Upbringing
    • The environment a child lives in and the people you have been raised by
  • Christians believe that it is very important to raise your child with strong morals and rules. They must be educated to become moral and responsible people. Education of children is one of St Thomas Aquinas 5 primary precepts where they should be educated about being good people and doing the right thing. All of this is your duty.
  • Christians believe that we must teach them the right thing in prison - Christians will go volunteer in prisons with the bible etc
  • Muslims also believe that we should raise children within the religion - parents have a duty to "perfect their manners" and raise their kids with good morals. Again the idea of reformation - give a second chance as they did not have a good upbringing. Imams may go to teach
  • Poverty

    Being without things needed for a reasonable quality of life
  • Christians believe "thou shall not steal" - poverty does not exclude you from committing a crime. However in the bible it says "clothe yourself with compassion" - it is their duty to help stop the causes and implications of poverty for example supporting Trussel Trust banks. Stop poverty so they are not forced into a life of crime. Perhaps more forgiving to those who have committed a crime due to poverty
  • Muslims believe that stealing is punishable by amputation in shariah law but they would be doing preventative work to help those in poverty to not resort to crime such giving Zakah which is one of the 5 pillars of islam (2.5%). They also empathise with the poor by fasting -sawm is one of the 5 pillars
  • Hate crime
    A crime committed due to prejudice views
  • Christians believe that hate is always wrong "love one another as i have loved you" and all people are made in the image of God so it would be wrong to cause people harm because of your negative views against them. Hatred is never justifiable. Christians believe that they should be taught why their views are wrong- Reformation
  • Muslims believe that hatred is unjustifiable 'all are equal have the teeth on a comb" and we are all created by God, all lives have value and have a God given purpose so hatred as a reason for crime is never justified. Islam teaches the importance of peace and living with each other in harmony. They believe education can help different groups to understand each other better