
Cards (24)

  • Exploit
    To take advantage of someone
  • Those in society who are poor or living in poverty can easily be taken advantage of by others due to their desperate circumstances
  • Christian teachings clearly state that exploiting people is wrong
  • Unfair pay
    When a person is not paid fairly for something, for example, a wage they cannot survive on
  • UK law recognises the concept of a "living wage", which is the minimum hourly wage considered sufficient to maintain a normal standard of living in the UK
  • Excessive interest on loans

    When a loan has an excessively high interest rate, making it very hard for people struggling financially to pay off their debts
  • People trafficking

    The practice of illegally transporting people from one country to another, typically for forced labour, sexual exploitation or organ trafficking
  • People trafficking is understood as modern slavery
  • Fair pay

    Christianity teaches that God created every human and therefore no one should be taken advantage of by not being paid fairly, as justice and equality are important
  • Fair trade

    • Christianity has a long history associated with paying labourers a fair living wage
    • Today, fair trade has global reach and represents Christian values of fairness
  • Excessive interest on loans

    Christianity teaches that money is a gift from God and should be earned honestly in a way that does not harm others
  • Most Christians would not support excessive interest rates, as they would feel people are being exploited, which is unacceptable
  • Human trafficking

    Christians would not accept human trafficking under any circumstances, as they believe all human life is sacred and so all people should be treated well
  • Most Christians would also believe that human trafficking goes against agape love and the teachings of Jesus
  • Unfair pay

    People being taken advantage of by not being paid fairly for the work they do
  • Islam teaches that Allah made all humans, so everyone is special
  • Most Muslims do not support people being taken advantage of by not being paid fairly for the work they do
  • Many Muslims believe money should be earned honestly so that people can live an honest and fair life
  • Ideas of justice and equality are also important in Islam
  • Riba
    Lending money in Islam is forbidden if the lender benefits from interest
  • Muslims are encouraged to share money and help others rather than exploit people through taking high amounts of money from them
  • When people do owe money, Muslims are encouraged to be sympathetic towards them
  • Muslims accept the sanctity of life argument - they believe that life is sacred as it was created by Allah
  • Islam teaches that humans have a duty to care for each other so most Muslims would agree that any form of human trafficking is wrong