Prejudice and discrimination

Cards (24)

  • Christians believe
    Prejudice and discrimination are wrong
  • Christians believe
    All humans are equal - imago dei
  • Christians teach
    Agape (selfless) love, supports idea of treating all the same way
  • Christians follow
    The example of Jesus, who did not discriminate
  • Parable of the Good Samaritan
    • Demonstrates ideas of helping others, not treating them differently
  • Catholic Christians only allow men to hold church positions, for example bishop, priest, pope
  • St Paul taught 'Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says' (1 Corinthians 14:34)
  • Gender equality in Christianity

    • Since 2015, the Church of England has allowed female bishops
    • Many Christian organisations (for example, Christian Aid, Tearfund) promote gender equality
  • Teachings of equality suggest

    Homosexuals should be allowed to marry
  • Some Christians believe love is love regardless of the sex of the people
  • Many churches welcome homosexuals
  • Traditionally some Christians believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman, and that same-sex relationships are wrong, as they don't produce children naturally
  • Some churches do not accept homosexuals
  • Allah
    Created all humans - they are equal although not the same
  • All people deserve equal treatment and respect
  • Muhammad: 'Taught about the importance of treating everyone equally in his final sermon'
  • Men in Islam
    • Providers
    • Protectors of women
  • Women in Islam

    • Raise the children
    • Look after the home
  • Men and women's roles in Islam are seen to complement each other
  • Homosexuality in Islam

    Traditionally taught to be wrong
  • Homosexual couples cannot have children naturally, which is the purpose of marriage
  • Same-sex relationships are seen to threaten the family unit and the stability of society
  • There are many examples of Muslims who are homosexual being rejected by other Muslims
  • Some Muslims claim it is impossible to be both Muslim and homosexual