Social Justice

Cards (14)

  • Social justice

    Equal distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges in society
  • Christian Teachings

    • Christians have a duty to work for social justice, as this reflects Bible teachings and the example set by Jesus
    • 'Love your neighbour as yourself' - meaning Christians should help others
    • All humans are equal, as they were made in the image of God
    • Christians believe they should stand up for the rights of others
    • The Bible teaches that Christians have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. 'Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed'
  • The Church and social justice
    • Many Christians promote ideas of social justice in their local communities
    • Many Christians try to educate others about the unfairness of social injustice and how to tackle it
    • Churches try to address issues of social injustice by providing food banks and help for those who need it
    • Many Christians and churches are involved in charity work, to raise awareness of social justice issues and money to support them. Christian Aid, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and CAFOD are examples of Christian charities
  • Social justice
    The fair and just relation between the individual and society
  • Muslims believe they have a duty to work for social justice
  • Muslims believe Allah is always watching and they will be judged after death by Allah on their actions
  • Muslims believe all humans are equal as they were made equal by Allah
  • Muslims believe everyone is human and is entitled to human rights
  • The Qur'an teaches Muslims they should work for social justice
  • Shari'ah law
    Promotes social justice in the Five Pillars, which promote social justice
  • Zakah (charity)
    Done to sympathise with the poor in society
  • Sawm (fasting)

    Done to sympathise with the poor in society
  • Each situation should be taken individually and appropriate help given
  • Applying the ethical theory of situation ethics

    The action taken in each individual situation is what is most loving