Displays the results of the analyses by plotting the mean values for one specimen on the y-axis (ordinates) and the other specimen on the x-axis (abscissa)
The points falling from a center but on the 45 degree line suggest a proportional error, and points falling from the center but not on the 45 degrees line suggest a constant error
12s - used a rejection or warning rule when one control result exceeds the meanPlus or minus2SD; for screeningpurposes
13s - one control result exceeds the meansPlus or minus3S; it is effective in determining random errors
22s - the last 2 control results exceed either the meanPlus or minus2S; respond most often to systematicerrors
41s - the four consecutive control results exceed either meanPlusorminus1s; respond to systematicerrors
R4s - the range or difference between the highest and lowest control result within an analytical run exceeds Plus or minus of 4SD; responds to randomerror or increaseimprecision
10x - ten consecutive results are on the same side of the target mean; systematicerrors