Wiles CBT Study

Cards (8)

  • Treatment resistant

    Patients who have taken antidepressants for 6 weeks with no improvement
  • Viles' study

    • Carefully controlled with a large and diverse sample
    • Results are likely to be valid and generalisable
  • Viles' study

    Evaluates an area of mental health that has only been studied using correlation previously
  • Viles' research
    Can inform treatment plans for real doctors and their patients, supporting their recovery, helping them as individuals and wider society
  • Participants and researchers could not be blind to the condition
    Potential for bias
  • Participants in CBT and antidepressant condition
    May have figured out the researchers' desired results and given them
  • Researchers/clinicians conducting the test

    Knew the nature of the study and may have given away the response they wanted with body language
  • Using self-report measures

    Difficult to objectively measure internal mental state, responses may not be accurate