When in an unfamiliar situation or surrounded by people we think are of higher knowledge, we assume they are right so we watch and then follow their behavior
We want to be accepted by others so we are likely to do or say things to help us fit in. However, we may be more motivated to fit in with some groups more than others
Group size: we are more likely to adopt certain behaviors if we are in a group of 3 or more that are acting the same way as we feel increased pressure to fit in
Task difficulty: when we find something challenging, we look to others to guide our decisions because we lack confidence in our own judgements
Anonymity: this decreases the likelihood of conformity because it reduces concerns about people disagreeing and so ridiculing our views but it doesn't reduce conformity entirely
Having a high expertise reduces conformity as we are confident in our opinions/what to do
May explain why research has found older people are less likely to conform than younger as we may feel more certain in our knowledge so less pressure to conform
Expertise affects conformity due to informational social influence