Soldiers that have committed war crimes seem to have been in an agentic state, e.g. Nazi guards at concentration camps have said they were just following orders and the blame lies in the hands of the authority which gave them the order
In Milgram's study of obedience, 65% of participants were prepared to give a potentially fatal electrical shock when an authority figure told them to do so
Milgram's theory only focuses on social factors affecting obedience but research has shown that dispositional factors such as personality are also important in how obedient people are
We are brought up to respect authority figures and so we obey them without thinking about it as that's what society expects us to do
We are more likely to follow orders given by people we believe have authority over us as we trust they will have a higher level of expertise or they have the power and status to punish us if we don't obey
Uniforms are associated with authority and have been shown to increase levels of obedience