At the elite level of sport, where most of the players are of similar ability, and have similar access to technology & training methods, it is the mental strength of the individual which separates the great players from the good players
Mental Skills
Self Confidence
Arousal Regulation
Stress Management
Mental Skills Strategies
Goal Setting
Performance Routines
Self talk
An athlete can use one or more of these methods (before, during &/or after) to improve their mental skills which will result in improved performance
Appropriate use of these methods is influenced by the circumstances under which the performer finds himself
All tools can be used to affect all outcomes!!!
Before / Pre Performance
Concentration: Relaxation, Self-Talk & Routines aren't the best options for enhancing concentration before competition
Before / Pre Performance
Self-Confidence: Self-Talk & Routines aren't the best options for enhancing before performance
During Performance
Stress: Imagery & Self-Talk aren't the best
During Performance
Concentration: Imagery & Goal-Setting aren't the best
During Performance
Arousal: Imagery isn't the best
During Performance
Motivation: Imagery & Personal Relaxation aren't the best
During Performance
Self-Confidence: Imagery IS the best
After Performance
Stress: Goals Setting and relaxation are best
After Performance
Concentration: Possibly goals setting and relaxation
After Performance
Arousal: relaxation is best
After Performance
Motivation: Goal Setting and self talk
After Performance
Self-Confidence: Possibly GIPS
What defines before, during, after performance?
But some tools are better than others, take note...
As a player's self-confidence increases
Their performance increases
If self-confidence levels are too high
There is a drop in performance levels
A belief in a performer that they can successfully perform a desired skill / behaviour
Most effective methods of improving self confidence
Goal setting
Self talk
Performance routines
Self-confidence is critical to successful performance as shown in the "self-fulfilling prophecy" diagram
Concentration / attention
The ability to focus on the required task by focusing on relevant cues & blocking out distractions
High level performers
Have the ability to shift concentration quickly from a broad to narrow focus (large number of cues to a small number of cues) or vice versa
Over-aroused performers
Have a narrow, internal focus & this limits their ability to concentrate on all the relevant cues in the environment
Concentration is
Most effective methods of improving concentration
Self talk
Performance routines
Goal setting
The amount of mental energy or preparedness a person has prior to performance. Athletes performing at optimal arousal levels are said to be in "The Zone" / "Flow State"
Athletes who are either under or over aroused
Do not perform at their optimal level
Easily distracted, focused on irrelevant cues in the environment, lacking concentration & motivation
Increased muscular tension can affect coordination; narrow internal focus results in missed environmental cues; inability to shift attentional focus to appropriate state
The "Inverted U hypothesis" depicts the relationship between arousal & performance
Most effective methods of regulating arousal levels
Self talk
Performance routines
The individual reasons that person has for getting involved in an activity