Asians stress personal orientation rather than task orientation, the needs of the group is given priority than for the individual.
Lack of "____" is traced to the Confucian social institution of Li-rules of
principled moral thinking
Lack of _____ is linked to the dyadic, relation-based character of the Confucian ethic, its lack of hypothetical reasoning and its hierarchical view of human relationships.
lack of ___ is rooted in the Confucian ideal of man as a reflection of harmony in the cosmos and Confucian ideal fulfillment of duties rather than
the assertion of rights.
Buddhism Character
shapes character in Southeast Asia as Christianity does in Europe. Keeping
their emotions and passions in check and stress karma overdetermination,
Buddhism's five basic moral prohibitions:
refrain from taking life
don't steal
avoid illicit sexual activity
don't speak falsely
refrainfrom consuming inebriatingsubstances.
These five basic moral prohibitions are most prevalent to be followed in Philippine
BUDDHISTs believe that humans want many things and want to keep them forever
Buddhists have also taught us to practice nonviolence, do good deeds, present gifts to monks, aspire to have gentle thoughts, meditate, and have respect for the sanctity of life.
The basic tenets of Buddhism influenced Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
Confucian Character
family, integrity, loyalty, honesty, humility, industriousness, respect for elders, patience, persistence, hard work, friendship, commitment to education, belief in order and stability, emphasis on obligations to the community rather just individual rights and preference for consultation rather than open confrontation.
CONFUCIANISM is a social code based on morality rather than laws;
CONFUCIANISM five cardinal virtues;
benevolence in terms of sympathyforothers (jen)
duty reflected in the shame felt after doing something wrong (yi)
manners, propriety and feelings of deference (li)
wisdom, in terms of discerningright and wrong (chih)
The basic sense of justice and fairness, concern for others and ability to empathize with others
Filipinos possess a genuine and deep love for family source of personal identity, emotional and material support
Joyand Humor
Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life and its ups and downs; pleasant disposition, a sense of humor and a propensity for happiness that contribute not only to the Filipino charm but also to the indomitability of the Filipino spirit.
Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity
Can adjust and to adapt to circumstances and the surrounding environment, both physical and social; adjusts to whatever happens even in unplanned or anticipated events.
HardWork and Industry
Willing to take the risks with jobs abroad and, while there, to work at two or three jobs. The result is productivity and entrepreneurship for some and survival despite poverty.
Faithand Religiosity
Religious expressions is very tangible expressed everyday; we relate to God like a human being