
Cards (5)

  • Pectoral girdle and sternum of the frog:
    A) Xiphisternum
    B) Mesosternum
    C) Coracoid
    D) Epicoracoid
    E) Clavicle
    F) Omosternum
    G) Episternum
    H) Suprascapula
    I) Scapula
  • Families of Order Caudata
    A) Pelobatidae
    B) Bufonidae
    C) Ranidae
  • FAMILY Pelobatidae
    Spadefoot toads -Small toadlike anurans without free, ossified ribs; eight presacral vertebrae with procoelous centra, pectoral girdle arciferal. Europe, northern Africa, southern Asia, and North America; 4 genera. (Genera 2, species 2 in the Philippines)
  • FAMILY Bufonidae
    True toads- Very small to very large (13-200 mm), stout-bodied anurans lacking free, ossified nibs; vertebral centra procoelous; paratoid glands present or absent; teeth absent; tongue attached at Enterior end; pupils horizontal; pectoral girdle ariceferal. Temperate and tropical parts of the world except Australia (Bufo marinus introduced) and Madagascar, 5 genera. (Genera 3, species 7 in the Philippines)
  • FAMILY Ranidae
    True frogs - Very small to very large (12-250 mm) long-legged anurans lacking free, ossified ribs; centra of vertebrae 1 to 7 procoelous, eighth vertebra amphicoelous; intercalary cartilage between distal and penultimate phalanges lacking; tongue attached at anterior end; maxillary teeth present; ethmoid usually single; pupils horizontal or vertically oval; pectoral girdle firmisternal; hind feet generally webbed. Essentially worldwide except New Zealand and the West Indies; about 32 genera. (Genera 5, species 28 in the Philippines)