Are codingsequences of DNA that synthesise (create) polypeptides/proteins
Premature messenger RNA (pre-mRNA)
Genes are transcribed into pre-mRNAstrands in the nucleus.
If a gene has introns and exons, the introns must be spliced out (removed).
This allows for the correctsequencing of aminoacids and proteins.
Evidences suggests human DNA is 98%introns and 2%exons.
This allows for more conserved exons, allowing less changes to genes/translatedproteins
Most prokaryotic cells do not contain introns, but exons, as exons are required for proteinsynthesis (and thussurvival)
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
mRNA is synthesised using DNA as a template through transcription.
This occurs in the nucleus and once modified will move into the cytosol.
mRNA is singlestranded, consists of RNAnucleotides (hundred to thousands).
mRNA sequencecodes for specificsequence of amino acids.
Every threebases = RNA codon (codes for specificaminoacid).
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
tRNA is about 80nucleotideslong.
3D shape like a clover.
Contain 3nucleotides (bases) which are anticodons.
Opposite end carries a specificaminoacid.
tRNA’s function is to place the aminoacid into the polypeptide being synthesised.
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Once tRNA has transferred to polypeptidechain, it collects another correspondingamino acid in the cytosol.
Attachment of an amino acid to the tRNA involves enzymes.
Each enzyme have a specificshape which ensures each 20aminoacids only attach to their specifictRNA(s).
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Ribosomes are comprised of rRNA and proteins.
Ribosomes are site of translation during protein synthesis.
Found in cytoplasm and rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Ribosomes move along mRNAstrand, translating the code into a sequence of aminoacids (polypeptidemolecules).
Micro RNA (miRNA)
miRNA are smallnon-codingRNAmolecules.
Consist of 22 nucleotides.
Role is to help regulate gene expressionaftertranscription.
Bind to specificmRNA molecule, preventing it from being translated (explored later).
Protein Synthesis
•Is the process of synthesising (creating) proteins that cells use around the body.
Two stages:
•Transcription: DNA is converted in messengerRNA (RNA)
Translation: mRNA is read and decoded into aminoacidchain (proteins).
DNA and Codons/Anti-Codons
DNA consists of:
Coding (non-templatestrands. Codes genes of interest and determines correctmRNA sequence. Does not take part in transcription.
Templatestand, complementary to codingstrand. Provides geneticcodetemplate for a mRNAstrand to formagainst
DNA and Codons/Anti-Codons
DNA consists of:
Coding (non-template strands). Consists of triplets of bases (DNAcodons).
Templatestand. Consists of triplets of bases (DNAanticodons).
Due to being complementary to codingstrand.
DNA and Codons/Anti-Codons
During transcription, mRNA molecules are synthesisedagainst the templatestrand in a complementaryfashion.
Therefore consist of mRNA codons.
During translation tRNA molecules with complementaryanticodons to the mRNA codons.
Genetic Code
Triplets of bases (codons) are the smallestunit necessary to code for all 20aminoacids.
Make up both the codingDNA strand and mRNAstrands.
Codon usually generally refers to mRNA codons.
Due to mRNA molecules transmitcopy of a gene from the codingstrand in the nucleus to ribosomes.
Some codonscode for the start of a polypeptidechain (AUG), while others code to stop (UAA, UAG, UGA).
Occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
mRNA is synthesised from a gene of DNA.
the geneticcode is re-written from DNA into mRNA.
Enzyme RNApolymeraseseparatestwostrands of DNA.
RNA nucleotides are made in a 5’ to 3’ direction.
RNA nucleotides are added to the 3’ end of the DNAtemplatestrand.
RNA Splicing
Reminder that introns are splicedout during the pre-mRNAprocess.
This occurs in the nucleus, producingmaturemRNAmolecules.
These are then translated into polypeptides by ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
During translation, polypeptidechains are built using a sequence of codons in a maturemRNAmolecule.
Occurs in the ribosomes in cytoplasm and RER.
Ribosomes read the mRNA strand 5’ to 3’direction at the startcodon (AUG).
TwotRNAmolecules move to the ribosomes and bond with the mRNAstrand based on complementarycodons and anti-codons.
Ribosomefacilitatesformation of a peptidebond between twoaminoacids.
As ribosome moves along the mRNA, it results in a growingpolypeptidechain.
tRNA molecules continue to bring amino acids to the ribosome until a stop codon is reached.
Once reached, the ribosome will release the polypeptide chain into the RER.
Many ribosomes can move along the samemRNAmolecule, creating many copies of the samepolypeptidechain, creating many proteinsquickly.
The maturemRNAstrand will continue to be translated until a miRNA (microRNA) strand is sent and binds to the mRNA (in a complementary fashion).
This deactivates the mRNA, by promoting its destruction, or by blockingtranslation.
This prevents the expression of that gene.
Explain what it means when it is stated that a particular gene is linked toa a specific chromosome
Genes are uniquesequences of DNAnucleotides that code for a polypeptide. Each gene is located in a particularposition (locus) on a specificchromosome, hence the term 'linked'
Name three different types of RNA that genes can code for and state the function of each type of RNA
messenger RNA (mRNA) - carriesgenemessage to ribosomes for translation
transfer RNA (tRNA) - transportsspecificaminoacids to codon
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) - importantconstituent of ribosomes which are the site of proteinsynthesis
microRNA (miRNA) - regulates geneexpression after transcription by binding to mRNA and deactivatingit
Describe what it means when a gene is termed the 'unit of heredity'
Genes are sections of DNA that are inherited from previousgenerations hence the term 'unit of heredity'
State the approximate percentage of each found in the human genome
About 98% are introns and 2% are exons in humans
Introns are often terms "junk DNA". Explain why it is naïve to disregard introns as useless DNA.
It is now known that introns can code for rRNA, tRNA, and miRNA. These molecules have essentialroles in proteinsynthesis and geneexpression,
A particular protein was found to contain 12,300 amino acids
12,300 codons needed for this protein
36,900 mRNAnucleotides required to code for this protein (times by three)
Explain how miRNA molecules silence mRNA translation
miRNA binds to the maturemRNA in a complementaryfashion. This deactivates the maturemRNA by either promoting its destruction or by blocking the translation of it. As a result, the synthesis of the respectivepolypeptide is stoppedpreventing the expression of the gene.
Outline why the coding strand is most similar to the mRNA molecule made during transcription
The mRNA molecules are made during transcription when mRNAnucleotides that are complementary to the DNAtemplatenucleotidesbind to these exposedbases. The double helix also consists of complementarybinding of nucleotides i.e. of the template to the coding strand.
State two ways that the mRNA molecule would differ from the coding strand
mRNA has uracil (U) instead of thymine (T). mRNA has a ribosesugar compared to DNA'sdeoxyribosesugar
Compare the processes of transcription and DNA replication
Transcription occurs so that cells can produce the proteinmolecules are that required for range of needs. This is in comparison to DNAreplication which makes an exactcopy of the DNA that is necessary for celldivision. Transcription involves making a mRNAmolecule for a gene, whereas DNAreplication involved copying2fullstrands' the template and the codingstrand.
Explain why it is necessary to remove the intron sections of pre-mRNA molecules
Introns sections donot contain code for polypeptides and therefore need to be removed to ensure only exons are transcribed
'Alternative splicing' refers to the way that different combinations of exons can be joined together. Describe how different combinations of exons from one gene could code for different proteins.
The exons are the codingsections of DNAtranscribed into polypeptides. The alternative splicing of exons means that it is possible to produce a range of differentpolypeptides/proteins just from onegene.