
Cards (16)

  • Memory
    A set of psychobiological systems and processes that allow our past experiences to inform how we respond to and interpret our current experiences and to imagine the future
  • Process of memory
    1. Encoding - conversation (taking in) of information into a useable form so it can be neurologically represented (placed) and stored in memory
  • Process of memory
    2. Storage - retention of the encoded information overtime
  • Process of memory
    3. Retrieval - recovery of stored information and bringing into conscious awareness for use when we need
  • Sensory memory
    A type of memory that holds sensory information in a raw form for very short periods of time
  • Iconic (visual)
    • Very large - holds all sensory experiences briefly and therefore assumed to have unlimited capacity
    • Duration is approx 0.2 - 0.5 seconds
    • Encoding based on physical properties of the stimulus held in raw form
  • Echoic (auditory)
    • Very large - holds all sensory experiences briefly and therefore assumed to have unlimited capacity
    • Duration is approx 3 - 4 seconds
    • Encoding based on physical properties of the stimulus held in raw form
  • Short term memory (STM)
    Active store that holds all information you are consciously aware of at any moment
  • Short term memory (STM)
    • Information can be lost through decay (not being used and fading away when not rehearsed)
    • Lost thorough displacement (STM is "full" new items only added by pushing old items away)
  • Short term memory (STM)
    • Capacity is 7 plus or minus 2 bits of info (can be increased by chunking)
    • Duration is approx 15 - 30 seconds (can increase with maintenance rehearsal)
  • Long term memory (LTM)

    Relatively permanent, limitless, passive storage system
  • Long term memory (LTM)
    • Capacity is relatively unlimited
    • Duration is lifelong
  • Types of LTM
    Explicit - consciously recalled memories of facts or personally experiences events
  • Types of LTM
    Implicit - Unconscious recall of memories of how to do something
  • Types of LTM
    Explicit semantic - facts and concepts (definitions)
  • Types of LTM

    Explicit episodic - events from our lives (birthdays)