Breaking down into smaller parts. Both problems and solutions can be decomposed into smaller parts
The process of removing or hiding unnecessary details so that you can focus solely on the important points
Algorithms provide the precise instructions needed to solve a problem. All computer programs are algorithms
Once an algorithm has been written, it can be reused with slight changes for solving similar problems which is much quicker than starting from scratch each time
A self-contained block of code that performs a specific task within a larger program
They only need to be written once and can be used as many times as needed within a program or saved in a library and used in other programs
Pre-existing subprograms
Ready-made subprograms that perform common tasks, such as handling output to the screen, counting the number of characters in a string and generating random numbers
User-defined subprograms
Subprograms that programmers can write to carry out specific functions within their code
Using subprograms
Breaks down a complex program into a number of smaller, less complicated parts that are easier to code and debug
Makes program logic clearer
Makes it easier to maintain code
Enables code to be used as many times as needed within a program, thus avoiding unnecessary duplication
Enables code used for common tasks to be stored in libraries and reused in other programs
Enables a team of programmers to work together on a project at the same time
Abstraction allows a programmer to specify what a subprogram must do without worrying about how it will work
Parameter passing (sending values into a subprogram for it to work on) enables a subprogram to carry out the same task for the different input values passed into it
Flowcharts are used to display algorithms. They are translated into program code that can be executed on a machine
Flowchart symbol that shows the start and end of an algorithm. There should be only one start and one end symbol in each flowchart
Flowchart symbol that shows the flow of the program, i.e. the next instruction to be executed
Flowchart symbol that shows yes/no or true/false decisions where there are two possible outcomes
Flowchart symbol that shows when data is input into or output by the algorithm
Flowchart symbol that shows a function or procedure that has its own flowchart
There are four ways to control the flow of a program: sequence, selection, repetition, and iteration
A named location in memory that can change while a program is running
A named location in memory that must not change while the program is running
Naming conventions
Variables are named in camel case, where the first word is lower case. Constants are named in all upper case
The association of a piece of data with a variable or constant, e.g. SET index TO 0 or index = 0
A data structure that can store multiple items of data, called elements, which are all of the same data type under the same identifier
Two-dimensional array
An array where there is a second array at each index position of a one-dimensional array, forming a matrix
A collection of data objects, where each data element is called a field and can be a different data type
A collection of records that can be thought of as a two-dimensional data structure
AND operator
Ensures that the overall statement is true only if all of the individual statements are true
OR operator
Ensures that the overall statement is true if any of the individual statements are true
NOT operator
Used to reverse the logical state of the other operators
When x = 2, y = 6 and z = 9, the output is "Not met"
Using the OR operator
if ((num1 = 3) or (num2 > 6) or (num3 = 10)): result = True
For a result to be true then any one or all of the statements has to be true, e.g. if num1 == 3, then the overall statement is true even if the other numbers are not 6 and 10
Using the NOT operator
if (not ((num1 == 3) or (num2>6))): result = True
Without the NOT operator, the statement would be true if either num1 == 3 or num2 == 6. Therefore, with the NOT operator, both must be false for the overall statement to be true
Note the use of brackets. The statement inside the brackets is evaluated before the condition outside is applied
Operator precedence
Logical operators are evaluated in a particular order: NOT, AND, OR. The order can be changed with the use of brackets
The OR statement in brackets is true as y is equal to 6. But the overall statement is false as z is equal to 9 and it must NOT be equal to 9 for the statement to be true. The output will be 'Not met'