opium war

Cards (10)

  • 1842 - Treaty of Nanking signed, Hong Kong ceded to Britain
  • there was a trade deficit because the US was buying a lot of goods such as tea and porcelain but China only wanted silver.
  • Since Britain was losing a lot of money, they decided to use opium which was made from poppies in India to get their money back from the Chinese
  • Britain flipped the trade deficit, now we started to give them the silver
  • many people got addicted to opium. their health declined and there was reduced labour and this affected military power
  • Britains and China went to war but ultimately China lost and they signed the treaty of Nanking
  • Britain got HK and 21 million dollars
  • China was forced to open 5 ports for trade
  • most favoured nation
    policies that other countries didnt need to follow, Britain also don't need to follow
  • extraterritoriality
    Chinese laws do not apply to British people on Chinese soil