peel offa thin layer of tissue using forceps and add water to slide
add a drop of stain with a pipette
lower coverslip at an angle without trapping air bubbles
clip slide onto stage and turn on light
move stage closer to lense and focus
swap to higher power objective lens and refocus
Investigate the effects of antiseptics on bacterial growth
Prepare an uncontaminated culture of bacteria using aseptic technique on an agar gel plate
● Spread bacteria evenly over plate
Place paper discs soaked in different antibiotics on agar plate
Include a control disc - soaked in sterile water
Incubate plate at 25 C for 48 hours
Use a ruler to measure diameter of zonesofinhibition (area where bacteria are killed or growth is prevented) around each disc and calculate their areas using πr2
Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue.
Use a scalpel / cork borer to cut up a potato (remove peel) into 6 identical size cylinders
Blot dry then measure initial mass of each
Place each in a different concentration of sugar solution for 24 hours
Blot potato dry with paper towel then measure final mass of each
Repeat and calculate a mean for each concentration
On a graph, plot % change in mass (y axis) against concentration of sugar solution (xaxis)
describe the test for sugars
Grind up food and add Benedict’s reagent
Boil / heat in a water bath
Sugar turns solution (from blue to) brick red
describe test for starch
Grind up food and add iodine solution
Starch turns solution blue-black
describe test for lipids
Grind up food and add ethanol, then add water
Fat turns solution milky / cloudy white
describe tests for proteins
● Grind up food and add Biuret reagent
● Protein turns solution (from blue to) purple / lilac
Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme.
Set up test tubes with different pH solutions and a set volume of starch solution
Put in a water bath at 30C, leave for 10 mins
Set up spotting tiles with 1 drop of iodine solution in each well
Add a set volume & concentration of amylase to one of test tubes, start stopwatch / timer
Remove a drop of amylase-starch mixture every30 seconds and place into a spotting tile to testfor starch (blue-black)
Record time when no starch is detected (nolonger turns blue-black)
Repeat steps 4 - 6 for each pH buffer solution
Method to investigate the effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis
1. Vary light intensity
2. Control other variables
3. Measure photosynthesis rate
Vary light intensity
1. Change distance of white light source from pondweed eg. 10, 20, 30, 40 cm
2. Leave for 5 mins for pondweed to acclimatise to new light intensity
Control other variables
Pondweed - use samelength of pondweed or same pondweed
Temperature - put tube in a (thermostatically controlled) water bath OR put beaker of water between lamp / tube to absorb heat produced by light
CO2 conc. - use set conc. of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
Measure photosynthesis rate
1. Count number bubbles of oxygen released OR collect gas in a syringe
2. In a set period of time eg. one minute (divide volume by time to get rate)