Cards (13)

  • Respiratory system
    Brings in oxygen (O2) into the body and removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the body
  • Signs and symptoms of respiratory changes
    • Chest pain
    • Cough
    • Shortness of Breath (dyspnea)
    • Difficulty of breathing (DOB)
    • Pain during inspiration and expiration
    • Use of accessory muscle
    • Bluish or cyanotic appearance of nail beds, lips, mucous membranes and skin
    • Thick, frothy, Blood-streaked sputum (hemoptysis)
    • Daytime sleepiness or snoring and disordered sleep
  • Preparing the materials for respiratory assessment: examination gown, gloves, stethoscope, light source, mask, skin marker, pulse oximetry, second hand watch
  • Objective data collected during respiratory assessment

    • Ruddy complexion
    • Use of accessory muscles
    • Fremitus assessment
    • Chest expansion assessment
    • Diaphragmatic excursion assessment
    • Normal breath sounds
    • Adventitious breath sounds
  • Respiration patterns

    • Eupnea - normal breathing
    • Bradypnea - slow breathing
    • Tachypnea - fast breathing
    • Hypopnea - shallow breathing
    • Hyperpnea - deep breathing
    • Dyspnea - difficulty breathing
    • Apnea - inability to breathe
    • Orthopnea - ability to breathe only in an upright position
    • Cheyne-Stokes - increase in depth and rate followed by a decrease, resulting in apnea, seen in the dying patient
    • Biot's respiration - depth and rate of respirations followed by periods of apnea
  • also called as subcutaneous emphysema, crackling sound?
  • asking the client to say ninety-nine while palpation?
  • normal measure of diaphragmatic excursion?
    3-5 cm
  • normal breath sounds?
    bronchial, bronchovesicular and vesicular
  • abnormal breath sounds?
    wheezes, crackles, stridor, pleural friction rub
  • asking the client to say ninety-nine?
  • asking the client to repeat "E"?
  • asking the client to whisper "1,2,3"?