attachment is a strong emotional bond which is reciprocated between 2 people
attachment allows infants to maintain proximity with their caregiver
maccoby identified characteristics of attachment
behavioural orientated
pleasure when reunited
social releasers
distress on separation
interactions between babies and caregivers are important for childs social development
reciprocity relates to how 2 people interact
reciprocity is when mother and baby responds to one another's signals and each elicit a response from other
feldman - research support
found babies and main caregiver spend alot of time in intense and pleasurable interaction
alert phases - caregivers respond to babies signals for interaction (baby cries for milk)
around 3 months old - interactions become frequent and involve close attention to verbal signs and facial expression
brazelton - supporting research
described reciprocity as a 'dance' because of way infants and caregivers respond to each others movements
both have active role where they initiate interactions and take turns doing so
interactional synchrony is where mother and infant interact in such a way that their actions and emotions mirror the other
isabella found high levels of synchrony were associated with better quality mother/infant attachment
meltzoff and moore
observed beginnings of interactional synchrony in infants
adult displayed 1 of 3 facial expressions or gestures
childs response was filmed and identified by independent observers (eliminate researcher bias)
association found between expression/gesture made by adults and actions of the babies
research supporting meltzoff and moores claims
trevarthen - observed 2 month olds interact with mothers via video monitor in real time (can mirror one another) and then showed tape recording where there was no response to infants attempted interactions
infants grew distressed at lack of response - shows infants actively and intentionally are interacting to elicit a response rather than displaying behaviour thats been rewarded.
research refuting meltzoff and moores claims
piaget - criticises m + m proposal that imitation was intentional and suggests instead that it was a 'pseudo-imitation' and there was no conscious awareness in infants
suggests interaction was result of operant conditioning where behaviour was rewarded by positive responses such as smiling from caregiver - then repeated to gain positive response
piaget stated interaction was due to operant conditioning where babies response was rewarded so they then repeated
evaluation points for caregiver and infant interactions
reliability of testing infants
individual differences
research support
reliability of testing infants (+) eval point
research into infants has been criticised that infant behaviour is difficult to reliably test - dont know what babies are doing or thinking - dont know babies intentions
difficult to distinguish general activity and specific behaviours
difficult to know whether behaviour was response to interaction of naturally occurring
m+m overcame uncertainty by using independent observers who watched response and made judgements on what is being imitated
increases internal validity and decreases researcher bis through using independent observers
individual differences as eval point for caregiver and infant interactions
theory doesnt consider individual differences between infants that could affect their behaviour
isabella found more strongly attached infant caregiver pairs showed greater interactional synchrony - suggests there is link
heiman showed infants demonstrating alot of imitation from birth onwards found to have better quality relationships at 3 months
limitation as theory assumes all infants will respond in SAME way when actually research has found it differs from infant to infant.
research support as eval point for caregiver and infant interactions
has been theories conducted which support infants behaviour being intentional (goes against piagets claims)
researchers observed infant behaviour when interacting with 2 inanimate objects (one with stimulating tongue and other opening and closing mouth)
found infants made little responses to objects due to them being inanimate
concluded infants initiate a specific social response to other humans - supports idea of infant and caregiver interaction