Allow us deal with the operations and behaviours of a data type and not to be concerned with their operation which is abstracted away
Static data structure
Fixed block of memory that is reserved at the start of the program
Contiguous space on disk
Next memory location is the next address and its position can be implied, so there is no need to explicitly point to it
Removing an element from a static data structure
Not easy because we must move all the succeeding elements up one place
Dynamic data structure
Memory is allocated and deallocated during the running of the program
Memory is allocated on the heap
Allows random allocation and access of memory
Uses linked lists where each element points to the address of the succeeding element
Removing an element from a dynamic data structure
Just requires pointing to a different address
Adding an element to a dynamic data structure
Just requires pointing to that address
Advantages of static data structures
Memory locations are fixed and can be accessed easily and quickly and are in a contiguous position in memory
Disadvantages of static data structures
Memory is allocated even when it is not being used
Advantages of dynamic data structures
More flexible and more efficient than static data structures because we only use memory that is needed
Uses linked lists and makes it much easier to remove and add element
Disadvantages of dynamic data structures
Data structure may be fragmented so can be slow to access
Last in first out file system just like a stack of plates
Stack operations
push – add element to the stack
pop – remove element from the stack
peek / top – view the top element on a stack without removing
isEmpty – test to see if stack is empty
isFull – test to see if stack is Full
Uses of stacks
Can reverse a sequence of numbers by popping a value from one stack and pushing to another
Used in Reverse Polish Notation
Stack frames used in subroutine calls
First in first out data structure
Queue operations
Add – add element to the end of a queues
remove – remove element from front of queue
isEmpty – test to see if queue is empty
isFull – test to see if queue is Full
Linear queue
As an item is removed from the queue all the other items move up one space. For a long queue this can take a lot of processing
Linear queue using pointers
As an item is removed from the queue the pointer representing the start of the queue also moves up one
We need to know the length of the queue and how many elements have been removed
The problem is that we end up with a lot of empty cells in memory that are now unused at the front of the list
Circular queue
Gets around the problem of unused memory locations at the front of the queue by "recycling" these memory locations
Priority queue
Each element is assigned a priority
Highest priority items are removed first
If elements have the same priority then the item nearest the front of the queue is removed first
Alternative priority queue
Stores items in priority order and the item removed from the front of the queue as with a linear queue
A way of representing the relation between data
Made up of vertices/nodes that are connected by edges or arcs
Graphs do not need to be connected
Weighted graph
Adds a value to an arc, representing the distance between places or the time taken between train stations
Adjacency matrix with no weighting
Graphs with no weights are given a value of 1 for connected nodes
Adjacency matrix with weighting
Contains the weights between connected nodes
Adjacency list with no weighting
Represents the connections between nodes
Adjacency list with weighting
Represents the connections between nodes and the weights
Directed graphs
Connections only apply in one direction, represented with edges with arrow heads on one end
Advantages of adjacency matrices vs adjacency lists
For sparse graphs, adjacency matrices have a lot of empty cells taking up more unused computer memory
Adjacency lists take longer to process so are slower
For sparse graphs where memory is a limiting factor, adjacency lists are preferable
For graphs with lots of edges, adjacency matrices are preferable
Connected, undirected graphs with no cycles
Rooted trees have a root node with no parent and all other nodes descended from the root
Leaf nodes have no children
Binary trees
Nodes can have a maximum of two child nodes
Can be used for sorting a sequence of numbers
Tree data structure
Represented with three lists/arrays: one for node values, one pointing to left child, one pointing to right child
The use of edge adjacency matrix is preferable
Connected - Every node is connected either indirectly to directly to every other node
No Cycles – There is only one path between nodes
Undirected - can traverse in both directions along the edge
Rooted tree
Has a root node that has no parent and all other nodes are descended from the root. All other nodes can be a parent and/or a child node.
Leaf node
Has no children
Binary Tree
A node can only have a maximum of two child nodes
Can be used for sorting a sequence of numbers
The first number is the root node
If the number is smaller than the node then we branch left if it is bigger we branch right
Tree data structure
Represented with three lists/arrays: an array contains the values at the nodes, an array that points to the location of left child, an array that points to the location of right child
If a node does not have child node then this is indicated with a -1 or null
Allows stored data to be accessed very quickly without the need to search through every record. This is achieved by relating the data itself to its index position using a key.
Occur when a bin is already occupied. In such a situation the data are placed in the next available bin.