Evidence collected by NASA shows that average temperatures have risen by 0.6 since 1950.
Arctic sea ice has declined by 10% in the last 30 years.
Evidence from the IPCC has shown that average global sea levels have risen by 10 - 20 cm in the last 100 years. This is due to thermal expansion and sea ice melting.
What is thermal expansion?
The increase in size or volume of a substance when its temperatureincreases.
Thermalexpansion causes an increase in sealevel as warmer water takes up more space than colder water.
As seaicemelts, there are fewer reflective surfaces which means more solarradiation can be absorbed into the ocean causing further warming.
Sea ice melts because it absorbs less heatenergy compared to open water so it doesn't warm up as quickly.
Globalmeansurfacetemperature (GMST) refers to the average temperature across all land and oceans on Earth.