History of the Nursing Process
1. The term nursing process and the framework it implies are relatively new
2. Hall originated the term (care, cure, core), 3 steps: note observation, ministration, validation
3. Johnson (1959), "Nursing seen as fostering the behavioral functioning of the client"
4. Orlando (1961) identified 3 steps: client's behavior, nurse's reaction, nurse's action. "Nursing process set into motion by client's behavior"
5. Weidenbach (1963) were among the first to use it to refer to a series of phases describing the process
6. Wiche (1967) "Nursing is defined as an interactive process between client and nurse". 4 steps: Perception, Communication, Interpretation, Evaluation
7. Yura and Walsh (1967) suggested the 4 components -APIE
8. Knowles (1967) described nursing process as: discover, delve, decide, do, discriminate