
Cards (3)

  • introduced idea of psychotherapy
    • first attempt to treat mental illnesses psychologically
    • employed techniques to bring repressed issues to the surface to deal with them- forerunner for modern day therapies eg counselling
    • improve QOL, return to work, economy
    • however, psychoanalysis not applicable to all, need ability to articulate thoughts which mental illness struggle with, drug therapy better?

  • approach untestable
    • due to a lack of scientific and objective methods
    • philosopher karl popper argued does not meet criteron for falsification so cannot be disporoved
    • ideas such as the id are at unconscious levels so hard to operationalise and must be observed indirectly- methods not standardised for replication to increase reliability
    • thus approach considered pseudoscience and doesnt help psychology reach aim of being a science
  • many of freuds ideas are idiographic
    • bases alot of theories on case studies
    • idea of oedipus and electra complex based on case study of little hans- freud suggested his fear of horses stemmed from fear towards father, based on his sexual desires for mother
    • thus using idiographic approach to research but with nomothetic application `
    • case study subjective to individual(cannot be generalises) and lack of standardisation...
    • however lots of depth and detail