Cards (5)

  • RWA
    • increased understanding of neurochemical processes leads to drug development as treatment of mental disorders
    • eg antidepressents such as SSRIs increase serotonin in brain synapses which treat depression
    • increase QOL, return to work, benefit economy
  • HOWEVER to rwa(antidepressants)
    • cipriani et al found varied effectiveness in 21 antidepressants, not effective for everyone
    • challenges approach as suggest brain chemistry alone doesnt account for mental disorders eg past trauma= not comprehensive
  • A03- scientific methods of investigation
    • highlight controlled lab studies, high control over evs and cvs allows for standardisation...
    • uses range of objective and precise methods such as brain scans eg PET, not vulnerable to bias
    • thus can be falsified and allows development of cause and effect relationship- establishes psychology as a science
    • however high control environment lacks mundane realism- lacks ecological val
  • biological determinism
    • belief all behaviour caused by biological influences eg genes we have no control over
    • however twin studies on sz dont show 100% concordance rate for MZ twins despite sharing 100% DNA
    • thus way individuals genotype is expressed is influenced by environment- more interactionist approach needs to be taken, diathesis stress model
  • limitation of twin studies
    • uses concordance rates from twin studies as support however twins often share the same environmnet
    • hard to seperate cause of nature and nurture
    • determining cause is hard- adoption studies needed