Communicable and non communicable disease

Cards (14)

  • Communicable diseases can be spread from person to person
  • Communicable disease are spread by pathogens such as bacteria or viruses
  • Non communicable disease cannot be passed from person to person
  • Health is defined as the physical and mental wellbeing
  • I’ll health can be caused by poor diet high stress levels and other life situations eg working with chemicals
  • Tuberculosis is a communicable lung disease it can be fatal
  • In most people the immune system can fight off tuberculosis however some people have a defective immune system eg people with hiv
  • People with a diffective immune system are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases
  • HPV is extemely common in most people it is essentialy harmlessbut in some people hpv can cause cervical cancer
  • Most cervical cancers are caused by hpv infecting the cells of the cervix
  • Infection with hpv causes another disease (cervical cancer )
  • Sometimes disease can be triggered by the immune system eg allergies
  • The body is infected With a pathogen which the immune system fights off but the person is left with an allergy
  • Sometimes a mental illness can be triggered by a physical illness ( depression caused by arthritis)