Working Memory Model

Cards (7)

  • The Central Executive (CE)

    Controls the other ‘slave’ components and decides which component is required for the task - Limited to no storage capacity
  • The Phonological Loop

    Primary Acoustic Store (PAS) – Linked to speech perception
    Articulatory Process (AP) – Linked to speech production
    Codes information acoustically.
  • The Visuo-spatial Sketchpad

    Visual Cache (VC) – stores material about form and colour.
    Inner Scribe (IS) – handles spatial relationships
    Codes information visually.
  • The Episodic Buffer
    Brings together different types of information from the VSSP and P.L.
    Provides temporary storage of information.
    It plays an important role in retrieving information from LTM.
  • Strength of WMM

    Research support from dual task studies: Evidence for the WMM comes from research that has found we can do two different tasks that take up resources in different components at the same time
  • Limitation of WMM

    The Central Executive component is overlooked and oversimplified - there are several components to the CE rather than one as the WMM suggests
  • Diagram
    showing the working memory model