Controls the other ‘slave’ components and decides which component is required for the task - Limited to no storage capacity
The Phonological Loop
Primary Acoustic Store (PAS) – Linked to speech perception
Articulatory Process (AP) – Linked to speech production
Codes information acoustically.
The Visuo-spatial Sketchpad
Visual Cache (VC) – stores material about form and colour.
Inner Scribe (IS) – handles spatial relationships
Codes information visually.
The Episodic Buffer
Brings together different types of information from the VSSP and P.L.
Provides temporary storage of information.
It plays an important role in retrieving information from LTM.
Strength of WMM
Research support from dual task studies: Evidence for the WMM comes from research that has found we can do two different tasks that take up resources in different components at the same time
Limitation of WMM
The Central Executive component is overlooked and oversimplified - there are several components to the CE rather than one as the WMM suggests