Special Collection

Cards (100)

  • presence of bacteria in the bloodstream
  • a medical procedure that involves removing whole blood from a donor or patient and separating the blood into individual components (ex. platelet apheresis)
  • The most critical section of clinic/ hospital
    Blood Bank
  • Strict Labelling of specimen follows:

    Full name, Hospital ID, Date of Birth, Age, Date and Time of Collection, and Initials of Phlebotomist
  • Specimen requirements in Blood Bank

    Lavender or Pink top (EDTA) tubes, or red top tubes
  • used to detect immune antibody other than the naturally occurring one through the use of completely phenotyped group "O" cells
    antibody screening
  • method of matching a donor's blood to the recipient by mixing a sample in a test tube to determine compatibility
  • There are _ phases in crossmatching
  • Blood are not compatible if there is ____________, Clumping of microorganisms or blood cells, typically due to an antigen-antibody interaction.

  • collecting blood to be used for transfusion purposes rather than diagnostic testing
    blood donor collection
  • Donor eligibility

    1. must 17 to 60 years old
    2. at least 110 lbs or 50 kg.
    3. Hgb ≥ 12.5 g/dL
    4. Hct ≥ 38%
    5. Normal temperature
  • If the donor is less then 17 years
    he/she must have parent's consent
  • If donor is greater than 60 years old

    there must be a discretion (consent) from their physician
  • Blood with anticoagulant preservative of CPD can last for as long as
    21 days
  • Blood with anticoagulant preservative of CPDA1 can last for
    35 days
  • functions of antigoagulant preservative in blood
    A1 (alanine):

    chelates calcium
    stabilizes ph
    provide energy to the blood cell
    preserve life of cell
  • Donor units are normally collected from a
    large antecubital vein
  • gauge for donor phlebotomy
    16 - 18
  • the blood bag fills by _____________ and must be placed _____ than the patient's arm
    gravity, lower
  • proper antiseptic technique in donor phlebotomy
    alcohol for 30 second, iodine for 30 seconds then alcohol again dry for 30 seconds
  • blood bag is placed on a mixing unit to prevent
  • The blood bag unit is normally filled by weight but typically contains around
    450 ml +/- 10 ml
  • the blood bag contains ______ amount of anticoagulant
    63 ml
  • during donor unit collection ________ is used to fill a bag/unit
    only one needle puncture
  • donation of blood for other people
    allogenic donation
  • Donation of a patients own blood for use at a later time ( ex. surgery)
    autologous donation
  • For autologous transfusion, it must be done ________ the surgery
    72 hrs
  • Autologous donation criteria

    Hgb at least 11 g/dL and Hct at least 33%
  • a medical procedure involving recovering blood lost during surgery and re-infusing it into the patient
    cell salvaging
  • Prior to reinfusion, it is recommended that salvaged blood must be tested for
    residual free hemoglobin
  • if there is high free hemoglobin it means that
    there is too many destroyed RBC during salvaging process
  • when blood with high free hemoglobin is transfused, it can cause
    renal dysfunction
  • This is used to determine the presence and extent of infection

    Blood cultures
  • blood poisoning or there is toxin in blood
  • when to collect blood culture
    immediately before or after anticipated fever spikes
  • Best chance for detecting bacteremia exists is
    between 30 minutes to 2 1/2 hours prior fever peak
  • When collecting blood cultures you need __ to _____
    two to four blood cultures
  • Collection for blood cultures must be ____________ apart
    30 to 60 minutes unless it is for critical patients
  • the volume of blood that you must collect for infants and children

    1% to 4% of the patient's total blood volume
  • the volume of blood that you must collect for adults with at least 80 lbs

    20 to 30 ml per culture with a minimum of 10 ml per draw