Cards (9)

  • H.L Mencken, 1925
    • ‘only Gatsby Genuinley lives and breathes. The rest are mere marionettes’.
  • Kenneth Eble, 1964
    • ‘Daisy moves away from actuality into an idea existing in Gatsby’s mind’
  • Thomas Flanagan, 2000
    • ‘Gatsby lives in the world of romantic energies and colours’.
    • ’Gatsby is somewhat vague. The readers eyes can neve quite focus upon him, his outlines are dim’.
  • Jacqueline Lance, 2000
    • becoming Tom was Gatsby’s dream
  • Marius Bewley
    • ’Daisy has monstrous moral indifference and vicious emptiness’.
  • A.E Dyson
    • ‘in one sense Gatsby is the apotheosis of his rootless society.. he really believes in himself and his delusions’.
  • K.Fraser
    • ‘Daisy is torn between a desire for personal freedom and the need for stability’.
  • K.Parkinson
    • ‘Daisy is only allowed to exist in the images that men create of her’.
  • P.Staveley
    • ‘Gatsby, like America itself… strives to reach a place he has created in his own mind, an impossible perfect‘.