May be involved in the process of compulsory admission to hospital – detention (sectioning)
Supervise admission to hospital for service users who are detained
Produce evidence of the need for detention ****of the service user having consulted with other relevant professionals and individuals
Liaise with police and/or ambulance personnel ****if the need arises *e.g. if there is a danger of physical harm to service user or others*
Liaise with other health care workers**,** *e.g. occupational therapist, CPN, GP, psychiatrist*
Organise case conferences
May be involved in seeking guardianship
May give advice or information ****on range of relevant issues, *e.g. benefits, housing etc.*
May make referrals ****to other agencies such as PRAXIS for social support for service users
Organise a care plan/care package
Liaise with informal carers/nearest relativ**e** regarding care provision for service users
Liaise with training colleges to find appropriate courses for service user with mental health problems
Write reports for courts/legal hearings ****and attend with service users
Arrange for advocacy services ****or act as an advocate
Provide direct emotional support/counselling
May organise appropriate housing ****for service users
Support the service user to find employment ****in the community