social class

Cards (6)

  • Social grades:
    AB- higher intermate managerial, administrative and professional companies- Doctor, Banker, and company director
    C1- supervisory, clerical and junior management - teacher social worker and IT manager
    C2- Skilled manual worker - Plumber, hairdresser, and Train driver
    DE- Semi- skilled and unskilled occupations / lowest grade of occupation- unemployed, bar staff, and call center staff
  • what is class dealignment?
    fewer people associate themselves with belonging to a particular social class
  • what is partisan dealignment?
    fewer voters are committed to or loyal to a specific party
  • what percentage of people voted for which part in 1964
    labor- 64% of DE voters
    conservatives- 78%of AB voters
  • How many people what in 2019 based on their class?

    AB- 45% voted conservative
    DE- 39% voted Labor
  • why is social class significant?

    education might be the new reflection of class - 58% of those with GCSE's or below vote conservative and 43% of those with a degree or higher voting conservative
    plays a significant role in how political parties fight campaigns- Tories targeted the " left- behind towns" in 2017 and 2019