Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

Cards (4)

  • Glanzer & Cunitz 1966
    Participants - 46 males in the US army
  • Glanzer & Gunitz 1966
    Procedure - Participants were shown 15 lists each containing 15 words. They were to recall them immediately after being shown the list, recall after a 10 second interference task (which involved counting backwards from a number in threes), and recall after a 30 second interference task.
  • Glanzer & Gunitz 1966
    Results - Participants in the immediate recall condition showed the serial position effect (primary is more items recalled from beginning and recency is end of list). 10 second delay showed a similar primary effect but less recency. 30 second delay had highest primary effect but no recency effect
  • Glanzer & Gunitz 1966
    Conclusion - The 30 second interference task prevented rehearsal, so items at the end of the list couldn't be transferred to LTM. So, there appears to be two separate storage facilities.