jms,node js

Cards (15)

  • JMS (Java Message Service)

    An API that provides the facility to create, send and read messages. It provides loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous communication.
  • JMS
    • Asynchronous: To receive the message, client is not required to send request. Message will arrive automatically to the client.
    • Reliable: It provides assurance that message is delivered.
  • Messaging is a technique to communicate applications or software components
  • JMS is mainly used to send and receive message from one application to another
  • Messaging Domains
    • Point-to-Point Messaging Domain
    • Publisher/Subscriber Messaging Domain
  • Point-to-Point (PTP) Messaging Domain

    One message is delivered to one receiver only. Queue is used as a message oriented middleware (MOM) to hold the message until receiver is ready. There is no timing dependency between sender and receiver.
  • Publisher/Subscriber (Pub/Sub) Messaging Domain
    One message is delivered to all the subscribers. Topic is used as a message oriented middleware to hold and deliver messages. There is timing dependency between publisher and subscriber.
  • ConnectionFactory
    An Administered object, used for creating Connections. Implements QueueConnectionFactory and TopicConnectionFactory.
  • Connection
    A client's active connection to its JMS provider. Allocates provider resources outside the Java virtual machine (JVM).
  • Session
    A single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages. With the auto acknowledgment mode, the session automatically acknowledges a client's receipt of a message.
  • MessageConsumer
    A client uses this object to receive messages from a destination. Created by passing a Destination object to a message-consumer creation method supplied by a session.
  • JMS Point-to-Point Connection

    1. Establish connection to ActiveMQ broker
    2. Create session
    3. Create queue
    4. Create message producer
    5. Send message
  • JMS Publish-Subscribe Connection

    1. Establish connection to ActiveMQ broker
    2. Create session
    3. Create topic
    4. Create message producer
    5. Send message
  • ActiveMQ is an open source message broker software that implements the Java Message Service (JMS) API
  • To use ActiveMQ, enter username and password as 'admin'