compare the Arhat and the Bodhisattva
Arhat: Theravada ideal, must renounce and become a monastic, individual path, anybody can enter monastic order, no use of celestial beings, can be seen as elitist and you renounce from the worldly life and traditional physical labour, escapes from rebirth by attaining Nirvana
Bodhisattva: Mahayana ideal and seen as superior, can still lead householder life, wants to help all beings, Bodhisattvas get a calling so is not for everyone although it's open to all, uses a variety of mythical beings to understand the Dharma, Bodhisattva comes in many forms which suit different people and Bodhisattva can enter monastic order but doesn't have to, Mahayana monks tend to focus on physical labour as good discipline, defer entry into pari-Nirvana and choose to be reborn