Floor: dorsal surface of brainstem beneath cerebellum
Roof: formed mostly by cerebellum except at caudal part which consists of pia + epyndyma, and rostral part which is partly formed by superior cerebellar peduncles bridged by superior medullary velum
CSF enters subarachnoid space via lateral & median apertures
Located at base of brain between temporal lobe, deepest between cerebral peduncles of midbrain, contains optic chiasm + circle of Willis, has subdivisions: Pre- and post- chiasmatic, Cistern of lamina terminalis, Supracallosal cistern
Most CSF produced by choroid plexus of lateral ventricle, flows through ventricles to subarachnoid space, majority flows superiorly round cerebral hemispheres to sites of reabsorption in dural venous sinuses via arachnoid villi
Courses medially above the optic nerve and then passes into the great longitudinal fissure, between the frontal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres
Joined to the corresponding vessel of the opposite side by the short anterior communicating artery
Within the great longitudinal fissure, the anterior cerebral artery follows the dorsal curvature of the corpus callosum, branches ramifying over the medial surface of the frontal and parietal lobes, which it supplies
Supply medial surface & marginal area of superolateral surfaces of cerebrum (includes the motor and sensory cortices for the lower limb + narrow lateral band of frontal and parietal cortices via fine terminal branches also extending out of the great longitudinal fissure)