observational method

Cards (10)

  • naturalistic:
    watching behaviour in the setting it would normally take place in.
    + high ecological validity
  • controlled / non-naturalistic:
    structured environment eg. lab
    + able to focus on particular aspect of behaviour
    + easy replication
    - more demand characteristics
    - low mundane realismm
  • overt : pps aware
    + ethical, consent given
    - demand characteristics
  • covert: pps unaware of being watched
    + natural behaviour
    - ethical issues, lack of consent, invasion of privacy
  • participant: researcher part of group being observed
    + more insightful, increases validity
    - demand characteristics
    - researcher may lose objectivity
  • non-participant: does not get involved
    + researcher can be more objective
    - observer bias
  • unstructured design:
    consists of continuous recording where the researcher writes down everything they see
    + more detail
    - produces qualitative data which is harder to record and analyse
    - observer bias
  • structured design: uses a predetermined list of behaviours and sampling methods
    + quantitative data easier to analyse
    - little depth to research
  • time sampling: recording of behaviour within a time frame that is pre-established before the observation
    + less time consuming, less observations made
    - small amount of data, unrepresentative.
  • event sampling: counting the number of times a particular behaviour is carried out
    + good for infrequent behaviours
    - important details may be overlooked
    - could be counting errors