Right linear = strictly T → ε or T → aR (strictly one terminal + (optional) one nonterminal)
Left linear = strictly T -> e or T -> Ra
right and left linear grammars describe the same languages
One step derivation relation: → := {(uvw, uv ′w) | u, v , w, v ′ ∈ (Σ ∪ N )* (v , v ′) ∈ R} (uvw is related to uv'w where all "letters" come from the alphabet or nonterm symbols and v' can be generated from v by the rules)
Language = (double arrow in img) on alphabet = transitive closure of the single step derivation relation = all words reachable from the start symbol with the given rules rules etc.
Context free: the left side of every rule is a nonterminal symbol (R -> a) (does not depend on any terminal symbol (eg. wRa > wra))
Context sensitive: wAu -> wvu, where MUST be terminal (and not e)
monotonic: after/for rules u -> w, |u| <= |w| (words can only get longer using rules and never shorter)