f) limits of using GDP

Cards (5)

  • how can GDP mean Lack of information provided on inequality?
    distribution of income in an economy is provided as an average (GDP/capita)
    differences in standard of living within the same country can be significant
  • what are the limits of using GDP for Quality of goods/services?
    GDP provides no information on increase/decrease in the quality of goods/services over time
    • If quality worsens but prices are lower, then the standard of living is judged to have increased 
  • how has poor quality of using GDP?
     may have decreased the standard of living
  • limits of using GDP -Environmental factors ?
    GDP doesn't capture the environmental and health impacts of generating income within a country (externalities)
     fewer externalities in generating the income the standard of living would be higher
  • how does limits of GDP include unpaid/voluntary work?
    If it included voluntary/unpaid work, then GDP/capita would be higher
    E.g. some economies have a high amount of family child care provision. This increases standards of living but is not recorded in any way