Minority influence:

Cards (3)

    • research evidence demonstrating the importance of consistency
    • Moscovici et al.'s blue/green slide study showed that a consistent minority opinion had a greater effect on changing the views of other people than an inconsistent opinion
    • Wood et al. (1994) carried out a meta-analysis of almost 100 similar studies and found that minorities who were seen as being consistent were most influential.
    This suggests that presenting a consistent view is a minimum requirement for a minority trying to influence a majority.
    • evidence show change in the majority's involves deeper processing of the minority's ideas
    • Martin et al 2003 presented a message supporting a viewpoint and measured pp agreement
    • 1 group then heard a minority group agree with initial view 2nd group heard a majority group agree with it
    • pp exposed to conflicting view and attitudes were measured again
    • pp were less willing to change their opinion if they had listened to minority group than a majority group
    Minority message had been deeply processed having a enduring effect supports central argument how minority influence works
    • Research studies such as Martin et al's make clear distinctions between the majority and the minority
    • Done in a controlled way is strength of minority influence research
    • But real-world social influence sit are more complicated
    • IE majorities have alot more power than minorities
    • Minorities are very committed to their causes they have to be as they face very hostile opposition
    • These features are absent from minority influence research the minority is simply smallest group
    Martin findings are v limited in what they tell us about minority influence in real-world situations