4th Quarter

Cards (26)

  • Banker - lend money to the poor producers and not only to the rich ones
  • Manufacturers - creates quality products and not to pollute the environment.
  • Rich - share their excess wealth with the less fortunate
  • Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs/Howard Bomen - pursue their policies to make these decisions, following their actions which are desirable
  • Theory of Karl Marx/German Philosopher - Importance of labor, workers are real producers of goods.
  • Rubert Howen - Completely restricted on the basis of common ownership, contrasted the social system, linked the worsening conditions
  • Influence of Labor Unions - freedom, government protection, and promotion of the welfare of the consumers and workers were minimal
  • Economic Model - Earn a reasonable profit, offers quality goods and services, provides employment
  • Socio Economic Model - Responsibility to their stockholders
  • Classical Model - Stressed to use as efficiently as possible
  • Social Responsibility to consumers
    • The right to safety
    • The right to be informed
    • The right to choose
    • The right to be heard
  • Other Social Responsibilities
    • Employment
    • Education and Training
    • Community Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - a business practice that involves participating in initiatives that benefit a society
  • Model/Social Responsibility - calculations/predictions
  • Intersecting Circles Model
  • Economic Model/Milton Friedman's - Increase its profits or it is profit based
  • Philanthropic model - Involve actively bettering society, benefitting
  • Carrols CSR Pyramid/4 Responsibilities of Business
  • Ethical/Social Web Model - Citizen of the society, normal ethical duties and obligations
  • Bowie - economic views duty to obey the law business has an equity important ethical duty to respect human rights
    • as long as managers comply with the moral minimum
  • Stakeholder Theory - affects a wide variety of people benefiting and some imposing costs on others
  • Freeman - stakeholder theory does not give primacy to one stakeholder group
  • Integrative Model - Fully integrate economic and social goals
  • Environmental CSR Model - cutting down its greenhouse gas emissions and waste.
  • Responsible and Responsibility
    • Reliable and trustworthy
    • A cause for an event or action
    • Involves attributing liability or accountability
  • 3 Diff Types of Responsibilities
    • Responsibility not to cause harm to others
    • Prevent Harm even in those cases where one is not the cause
    • Responsibilities to do well such as volunteering and charitable work